2011 주요저서 및 인터뷰
2019-03-21 10:01
- The New Vision for Korea's Trade in the One-Trillion-Dollar Trade Era, with C. Fred Bergsten, editors, Seoul: Korea International Trade Association, Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2011.
- "Foreword: Toward the Consolidation of the G20," eds. C. Bradford, W.H. Lim, Seoul: Korea Development Institute, Brookings Institution, Nov 2011.
- "The G-20: Achievements and Challenges," Korea's Economy, vol.27, Korea Economic Institute, Jul 2011 pp.33-34.
- "AMCHAM General Membership Meeting with SaKong, Il, Chairman, Presidential Committee for the G20 Seoul Summit," JOURNAL, American Chamber of Commerce in Korea, vol.78, no.2, 2nd Quarter 2011, pp.22-27.
- "Power Interview," Financial Marketing & Business, mcredit.co.kr, vol.327, Jan 2011, pp.18-22. (in Korean)
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