Chairman Message

I would like to welcome and thank you for visiting the website of IGE


Since its inception in 1993, IGE has been bringing in leading global scholars and thinkers, top policymakers of major countries and multilateral institutions, global business leaders, and prominent journalists from around the world to share their views and insights on the rapidly changing global economic and security environment through a variety of forums and research programs. IGE’s activities have been widely appreciated by the Korean audience, especially policymakers and business leaders.

As we witnessed through the recent global financial and economic crisis, the global economic environment today is changing faster than ever before, heightening uncertainties around the world. In this context, IGE will continue to play its critical role in helping Korean policymakers and corporate leaders better understand and cope with emerging global challenges.

I wish all of our members happiness and health as we enter 2025, especially in the midst of the rising geopolitical and economic challenges. As always, IGE will continue on with its mission and utilize its long experience and vast global network on behalf of its members.

I very much look forward to your continued cooperation and active support.


Chairman & CEO Jun Kwang-woo

Institute for Global Economics