
236 posts
번호 썸네일 제목 작성자 작성일 추천 조회

2021 ALC Webinar - Post-Pandemic Global Capital Markets

Videos | IGE | 2021-05-18
Videos 2021-05-18
IGE Webinar - Dr. Victor Cha, Senior Vice President and Korea Chair, CSIS

IGE Webinar - Dr. Victor Cha, Senior Vice President and Korea Chair, CSIS
IGE Webinar - Dr. Victor Cha, Senior Vice President and Korea Chair, CSIS

Videos | IGE | 2021-04-15
Videos 2021-04-15
IGE Webinar - Mr. Jeffrey J. Schott Senior Fellow, PIIE

IGE Webinar - Mr. Jeffrey J. Schott Senior Fellow, PIIE
IGE Webinar - Mr. Jeffrey J. Schott Senior Fellow, PIIE

Videos | IGE | 2021-02-18
Videos 2021-02-18
2021 경제학 공동학술대회 Special Session: International Trade (Dr. SaKong Il & Anne Krueger)

2021 경제학 공동학술대회 Special Session: International Trade (Dr. SaKong Il & Anne Krueger)
2021 경제학 공동학술대회 Special Session: International Trade (Dr. SaKong Il & Anne Krueger)

Videos | IGE | 2021-02-05
Videos 2021-02-05
IGE Webinar - Henny Sender Managing Director, 블랙록(BlackRock)/前 파이낸셜타임스(FT) 수석컬럼니스트

IGE Webinar - Henny Sender Managing Director, 블랙록(BlackRock)/前 파이낸셜타임스(FT) 수석컬럼니스트
IGE Webinar - Henny Sender Managing Director, 블랙록(BlackRock)/前 파이낸셜타임스(FT) 수석컬럼니스트

Videos | IGE | 2021-02-09
Videos 2021-02-09
IGE Webinar - Allen Sinai Chief Economist & President, Decision Economics

IGE Webinar - Allen Sinai Chief Economist & President, Decision Economics
IGE Webinar - Allen Sinai Chief Economist & President, Decision Economics

Videos | IGE | 2021-01-21
Videos 2021-01-21
IGE Webinar - Shaun Roache S&P Global Ratings 아시아 수석 이코노미스트

IGE Webinar - Shaun Roache S&P Global Ratings 아시아 수석 이코노미스트
IGE Webinar - Shaun Roache S&P Global Ratings 아시아 수석 이코노미스트

Videos | IGE | 2021-01-12
Videos 2021-01-12
IGE Webinar - Evans J.R. Revere Brookings Institution, Senior Fellow

IGE Webinar - Evans J.R. Revere Brookings Institution, Senior Fellow
IGE Webinar - Evans J.R. Revere Brookings Institution, Senior Fellow

Videos | IGE | 2020-12-15
Videos 2020-12-15
The Global Economy 2014

The Global Economy 2014
The Global Economy 2014

Videos | Martin Feldstein | 2014-03-17
Videos 2014-03-17
Martin Feldstein
The Eurozone Economy: Out of the Doldrums?

The Eurozone Economy: Out of the Doldrums?
The Eurozone Economy: Out of the Doldrums?

Videos | Karl-Heinz Paqué | 2014-03-05
Videos 2014-03-05
Karl-Heinz Paqué
The Secret of Germany’s Performance: The Mittelstand-Economy

The Secret of Germany’s Performance: The Mittelstand-Economy
The Secret of Germany’s Performance: The Mittelstand-Economy

Videos | Peter Friedrich | 2014-02-26
Videos 2014-02-26
Peter Friedrich
Abe in the Driver’s Seat: Where is the Road Leading?

Abe in the Driver’s Seat: Where is the Road Leading?
Abe in the Driver’s Seat: Where is the Road Leading?

Videos | Gerald Curtis | 2014-02-20
Videos 2014-02-20
Gerald Curtis
U.S. and Global Economies – Poised for Better Times?

U.S. and Global Economies – Poised for Better Times?
U.S. and Global Economies – Poised for Better Times?

Videos | Allen Sinai | 2014-01-07
Videos 2014-01-07
Allen Sinai
Korea-China-Japan Economic and Political Relations: Whither to?

Korea-China-Japan Economic and Political Relations: Whither to?
Korea-China-Japan Economic and Political Relations: Whither to?

Videos | David Pilling | 2013-11-22
Videos 2013-11-22
David Pilling
[Opening Session] Major Economies Under New Leadership: Policy Priorities and Challenges

[Opening Session] Major Economies Under New Leadership: Policy Priorities and Challenges
[Opening Session] Major Economies Under New Leadership: Policy Priorities and Challenges

Videos | IGE | 2013-11-01
Videos 2013-11-01
[Session 3] Major Economies Under New Leadership: Policy Priorities and Challenges

[Session 3] Major Economies Under New Leadership: Policy Priorities and Challenges
[Session 3] Major Economies Under New Leadership: Policy Priorities and Challenges

Videos | IGE | 2013-10-31
Videos 2013-10-31
[Luncheon] Major Economies Under New Leadership: Policy Priorities and Challenges

[Luncheon] Major Economies Under New Leadership: Policy Priorities and Challenges
[Luncheon] Major Economies Under New Leadership: Policy Priorities and Challenges

Videos | IGE | 2013-10-31
Videos 2013-10-31
[Session 2 ] Major Economies Under New Leadership: Policy Priorities and Challenges

[Session 2 ] Major Economies Under New Leadership: Policy Priorities and Challenges
[Session 2 ] Major Economies Under New Leadership: Policy Priorities and Challenges

Videos | IGE | 2013-10-31
Videos 2013-10-31